Monogram Specials:1. Buy 5 stock monograms recieve a 6th free ($15)
2. Buy 2 custom monogram receive a 3rd free ($15)
Invitation Specials (Until Valentines Day)-Only your deposit has to be in by Valentines day to receive the special rate.
1. 15% off all orders of 100 invites or more
2. 10% off all orders between 50-100 invites
NOTICE-Shipping rates regarding InvitationsIt will cost between 10-30 to ship your invites Priority mail depending on your quantity and the size box needed.
-- 130 pocketfold invites required two flat rate LARGE boxes (30 to ship)
-- 75 panel pocket invites required one flate rate LARGE box (15 to ship)
If your order is small, the small flat rate box is $10.
New in 2009- Labels-Round, Square, Mailing, you name it we can make it. Prices are:
5.00 per sheet (for all sheets with 20 or more labels per sheet)
3.50 per sheet (for all sheets with 19 or less labels per sheet)
-We will also set up a listing for you on zazzle, free of charge, just email us at